Current incidence of the disease overview and mandatory vaccination by country 27.9.2022

5. 10. 2022


West Nile fever: in early July, an 11-year-old girl fell ill in the town of Touggourt (Ouargla province, O). This is the first record in Algeria. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and primarily infects birds, but can also spread to humans, horses and other mammals. Use mosquito repellent.

last update: 16.09.2022


Costa Rica

Malaria: More than 330 cases have been registered across the country since the beginning of the year. The north of the country is particularly affected. Malaria has been almost eliminated in the country and the number of cases has been rising slightly since 2016. Very good mosquito protection should always be maintained.

last update: 27.09.2022



West Nile fever: the first human infection this year was reported in mid-August. It was detected in Saxony-Anhalt as part of a blood donation screening, the affected person showed no symptoms of the disease. Two more infections were confirmed in mid-September. In 2018, the first locally acquired infections in birds and horses were registered in Germany and in late summer 2019, 5 people became ill for the first time in eastern Germany. Last year, 4 human infections were recorded. The virus primarily infects birds, but can also spread to humans, horses and other mammals. Use mosquito repellent.

last update: 20.09.2022


El Salvador

Dengue: The number of cases has increased significantly compared to the corresponding periods of the previous two years. Around 13 990 suspected cases have been recorded since the beginning of the year. In 2021, a total of about 5,755 suspected cases were registered nationwide. 5,450 infections were reported in 2020 and 24,470 in 2019. Use mosquito repellent.

last update: 23.09.2022



Dengue: About 50 local infections have been registered since the end of July. The regions affected are Occitania and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur in the south of the country. The mosquito vector was first detected in 2004 in the south of the country. In 2010, the first local infections were recorded in France. Pay attention to protection against mainly diurnal mosquito vectors.

last update: 23.09.2022



West Nile fever: more than 230 infections and 20 deaths have been reported on the mainland since mid-July. The area of Thessaloniki is particularly affected. In Greece, the infection occurs sporadically. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. Use mosquito repellent.

last update: 27.09.2022



Encephalitis: By the end of August, more than 555 cases of Japanese encephalitis (JE) had been officially reported nationwide. 93 people died. The highest number of infections was again registered in Assam state. According to press reports, the monsoon has caused flooding there, which has caused a sharp increase in cases since late July. In 2021, 787 cases and 70 deaths were reported nationally. Perform exposure prophylaxis and vaccination if necessary!

last update: 23.08.2022



Rabies: a 12-year-old girl died in Pathanamthitta district in early September after being bitten by a dog. It’s the 21st this year. deaths in the state of Kerala. In early March, 2 women died in Krishna district (Andhra Pradesh state). They were both bitten by a cat about 2 months ago. India is one of the countries with the highest number of animal and human cases in the world. The main vector is the (stray) dog. Large cities are also affected. In case of suspected contact with an animal, seek medical attention immediately and ensure the use of modern tissue culture vaccines. Preventive vaccinations are recommended for all passengers.

last update: 13.09.2022



West Nile fever: in mid-July, the first infection of the year was reported in the province of Padua (Veneto region). The number of cases has now risen to more than 470 and 28 people have died. The north of the country is particularly affected, but also the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. In Italy, the infection occurs sporadically. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. Use mosquito repellent.

last update: 27.09.2022



Dengue: According to press reports, more than 3,000 infections have been confirmed since the beginning of the year. 3 people died. Last year, 1160 suspected cases were recorded. Pay attention to protection against mainly diurnal mosquito vectors.

last update: 16.08.2022



Dengue: More than 41,500 infections and 24 deaths have been recorded since the beginning of the year. The number of cases is significantly higher than in the same period of the previous year. Approximately 2 thirds of all cases continue to originate from Selangor State. Last year, about 25,835 people fell ill. 20 deaths have been reported. In 2020, around 89,290 infections were registered and 142 people died. Mosquito-borne disease is common in Malaysia, especially on the peninsula, as well as throughout Southeast Asia. Since there are no scheduled rainy seasons, there is a constant risk of transmission, which increases regionally after heavier rainy seasons. Pay attention to protection against mainly diurnal mosquito vectors.

last update: 27.09.2022



Poliomyelitis: In mid-May, a wild poliovirus (WPV1) infection was confirmed in Tête province. The case is believed to be linked to one in neighbouring Malawi, which was imported from Pakistan in February. Since the end of July, 5 more diseases have been confirmed. Also in May, 3 cases of vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) were reported in Nampula province and one case in Manica province. In February, 2 cases from the previous year were detected in the provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado. In addition, 2 infections with vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 (cVDPV1) were reported in late July and early September. The country is formally one of the countries with a potential risk of international spread of the pathogen. All persons (locals and tourists) staying in the country for more than 4 weeks should be able to produce a polio vaccination on departure. Vaccinations must be given 4 weeks to one year prior to departure and must be documented on an internationally valid vaccination card. Observe protection by vaccination.

last update: 23.09.2022



Dengue: The infection was first confirmed in Nepal in 2004, with only minor outbreaks observed in the south of the country in subsequent years. Since the beginning of this year, around 25 550 people have fallen ill and 32 have died. Last year, 540 infections were registered. Apart from the Kathmandu Valley, districts in the high mountains are again affected. Protection against mosquitoes, which are mainly active during the day.

last update: 27.09.2022



West Nile fever: 6 cases have been reported since the beginning of August. Vienna and its surroundings and northern Burgenland are affected. The infection is sporadic in Austria. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. Use mosquito repellent.

last update: 27.09.2022



Malaria: Approximately 4100 infections have already been confirmed this year. In the same period of the previous year, it was only about half. A very good mosquito repellent should always be followed, it is generally advisable to take emergency medication and depending on the outbreak situation and route of travel, chemoprophylaxis should be discussed.

last update: 20.09.2022



Dengue: Since the beginning of the year, about 58,125 suspected cases have been reported and about 42,970 infections have been confirmed. 75 people died. Authorities issued a nationwide public health alert in April. In 2021, 38 258 confirmed infections and 39 deaths were reported. In 2020, around 56,400 suspected cases were registered and 88 people died. This is the highest number of cases since 2017. Watch out for protection from day vector mosquitoes.

last update: 23.09.2022



Malaria: More than 58,500 infections and 75 deaths have already been reported this year. This is the highest number of cases since 2019. Most cases were registered in the Loreto region (NO). Very good mosquito protection should always be maintained. Chemoprophylaxis is also recommended in the Loreto region. In other high-risk areas, it makes sense to take emergency medication.

last update: 27.09.2022



Leptospirosis: Approximately 1,470 infections and 200 deaths have been reported on Luzon since the beginning of the year. The number of cases is expected to increase during the rainy season. Leptospires enter the environment through the urine of infected mammals (rats, dogs). Transmission to humans occurs by direct or indirect contact with urine through small skin or mucous membrane injuries. In moist environments (water, mud), leptospires can survive in the environment for long periods of time. Corresponding contacts should be avoided.

last update: 16.09.2022


Sao Tome and Principe

Dengue: Authorities reported the outbreak in mid-May, with approximately 1 000 infections and 3 deaths registered from mid-April to early September. The worst affected is the Água Grande district in the north of São Tomé. Take care to protect yourself especially against daytime mosquitoes.

last update: 16.09.2022



Dengue: The virus is common in the city-state. Because there are no scheduled rainy seasons, there is a risk of transmission throughout the year, which increases after heavier rainy periods. The number of cases rose sharply from February to the end of May and the number of new infections is now falling. Approximately 27 285 infections have already been registered this year. In 2021, approximately 5,260 cases were recorded. Pay attention to protection against mainly diurnal mosquito vectors.

last update: 23.09.2022



West Nile fever: 3 cases were reported in September. The regions of Tarragona and Cadiz are affected. The infection is sporadic in Spain. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. Use mosquito repellent.

last update: 27.09.2022


South Africa

Rabies: 10 confirmed infections and 5 suspected cases have been reported this year. Eastern Cape, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal provinces are particularly affected. Since last year, a sharp increase in rabid dogs has been observed nationwide. Last year 19 human cases were recorded nationally, 9 from the Eastern Cape, 6 from KwaZulu-Natal and 4 from Limpopo province. Most children have contracted it through contact with dogs or cats. In 2020, 6 infections were confirmed in KwaZulu-Natal and 2 in Limpopo province. There were also 3 other suspected cases, one each in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces. In 2019, 10 cases were confirmed, 4 each in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces and 2 in Limpopo province. There were six other suspected cases. The most common source of infection is dog bites. If you come into contact with it, consult a doctor immediately, in case of a foreseeable risk and a longer stay, preventive vaccination is recommended.

last update: 13.09.2022


South Africa – East

Rabies: 10 confirmed infections and 5 suspected cases have been reported this year. Eastern Cape, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal provinces are particularly affected. Since last year, a sharp increase in rabid dogs has been observed nationwide. Last year 19 human cases were recorded nationally, 9 from the Eastern Cape, 6 from KwaZulu-Natal and 4 from Limpopo province. Most of the children were infected by contact with dogs or cats. In 2020, 6 infections were confirmed in KwaZulu-Natal and 2 in Limpopo province. There were also 3 other suspected cases, one each in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces. In 2019, 10 cases were confirmed, 4 each in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces and 2 in Limpopo province. There were six other suspected cases. The most common source of infection is dog bites. If you come into contact with it, consult a doctor immediately, in case of a foreseeable risk and a longer stay, preventive vaccination is recommended.

last update: 13.09.2022


South Africa – South

Rabies: 10 confirmed infections and 5 suspected cases have been reported this year. Eastern Cape, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal provinces are particularly affected. Since last year, a sharp increase in rabid dogs has been observed nationwide. Last year 19 human cases were recorded nationally, 9 from the Eastern Cape, 6 from KwaZulu-Natal and 4 from Limpopo province. Most of the children were infected by contact with dogs or cats. In 2020, 6 infections were confirmed in KwaZulu-Natal and 2 in Limpopo province. There were also 3 other suspected cases, one each in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces. In 2019, 10 cases were confirmed, 4 each in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces and 2 in Limpopo province. There were six other suspected cases. The most common source of infection is dog bites. If you come into contact with it, consult a doctor immediately, in case of a foreseeable risk and a longer stay, preventive vaccination is recommended.

last update: 13.09.2022


South Africa – North East

Rabies: 10 confirmed infections and 5 suspected cases have been reported this year. Eastern Cape, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal provinces are particularly affected. Since last year, a sharp increase in rabid dogs has been observed nationwide. Last year 19 human cases were recorded nationally, 9 from the Eastern Cape, 6 from KwaZulu-Natal and 4 from Limpopo province. Most of the children were infected by contact with dogs or cats. In 2020, 6 infections were confirmed in KwaZulu-Natal and 2 in Limpopo province. There were also 3 other suspected cases, one each in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces. In 2019, 10 cases were confirmed, 4 each in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces and 2 in Limpopo province. There were six other suspected cases. The most common source of infection is dog bites. If you come into contact with it, consult a doctor immediately, in case of a foreseeable risk and a longer stay, preventive vaccination is recommended.

last update: 13.09.2022



Japanese encephalitis: 18 infections have been confirmed nationwide this year. The city of Tainan (SW) is particularly affected. The main broadcasting time is between the months of June and August. Pay attention to mosquito repellent and consider vaccination if necessary.

last update: 08/12/2022



Dengue: With the start of the rainy season in July, the number of cases is expected to increase. Since the beginning of the year, around 16,280 people have fallen ill. 14 people died. There is a risk of infection throughout the year, with July and August being the main period of transmission. Watch out for protection against mostly diurnal mosquitoes!

last update: 26.08.2022



Ebola hemorrhagic fever: In mid-September, authorities confirmed an outbreak with 18 still infected in Mubende district in the centre of the country. Five people have died from the infection. There are 18 other suspects.

last update: 27.09.2022


United States

Poliomyelitis: In late June, vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) infection was confirmed in the United States for the first time since 2013. The 20-year-old was temporarily treated at a clinic in Rockland County, New York, for paralysis. Authorities say polioviruses were detected in wastewater samples in the county before the man became ill. By mid-September, viruses had been detected in about 60 wastewater samples, and authorities in New York State declared a disaster in early September. Residents were asked to check their vaccination protection and top up if necessary. Always check and top up standard vaccinations before travelling abroad.

last update: 20.09.2022



Malaria: By the end of August, more than 610 cases of tertian malaria had been confirmed. Compared to the previous year, the number of cases has roughly doubled. Authorities warn of a further increase in cases. A very good mosquito repellent should always be followed, it is generally advisable to bring emergency medication and depending on the situation of the outbreak, chemoprophylaxis should be discussed.

last update: 27.09.2022



Dengue: Approximately 180,000 cases and 70 deaths have been registered since the beginning of the year. The number of cases has roughly tripled compared to the previous year. Regions in the south and centre of the country, as well as Ho Chi Minh City, are particularly affected. In 2021, approximately 68,270 cases were reported, and 21 people died. In 2020, around 121,940 infections and 19 deaths had been registered by the end of November. Take care to protect yourself especially against daytime mosquitoes.

last update: 09.09.2022