Tetanol pur

The vaccine against tetanus is designed for infants above 2 months, children, teenagers and adults. The vaccine is applied to the upper part of an arm.

Vaccination scheme

It is vaccinated by three doses in the following time terms: the first dose is applied on the selected day, the second dose is applied in 4 – 6 weeks and the third dose in 6 – 12 months after the second dose.

The first re-vaccination of children is performed by one dose of the vaccine in the time between the 5th and 6th year of age and then between the 14th and 15th year of age.

Re-vaccination of adults is recommended every 10 years.

When it is necessary to postpone the vaccination?

You mustn´t suffer from any acute disease at the time of vaccination. On the day of application it is recommended to avoid any strains, sauna or excessive alcohol drinking. At least 2 weeks must have elapsed from / to the next vaccination. You mustn´t take antibiotics at the time of vaccination.

Undesirable effects after vaccination

Soreness, sensitivity, redness and swelling in the point of vaccination.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not an obstacle for tetanus vaccination.


All the data stated herein are of informative character only. The doctor always selects the vaccine or vaccination scheme based on personal consultation in the vaccination centre.

Dear clients, there is still the possibility of vaccination against influenza, now at a discounted price of the vaccine including the application of 520 CZK incl. VAT. You can order via the online calendar in the header of the home page: Quick order

Vážení klienti stále je možnost očkování proti chřipce, nyní za zvýhodněnou cenu vakcíny včetně aplikace 520,- Kč vč. DPH. Objednat se lze přes on-line kalendář v záhlaví titulní strany: Rychlá objednávka