
Vaccine against meningococcal infections of groups A, C, W135, Y intended for adolescents from 1 year of age. The vaccine is injected into the upper arm.

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Vaccination scheme

The vaccine is administered in one dose on the selected day.

The vaccine can be used as a primary vaccination for those not yet vaccinated or as a booster dose for those already vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis in the past.

No vaccination has been prescribed.

When is it necessary to postpone vaccination?

You must not be acutely ill at the time of vaccination, physical exertion, visiting the sauna, solarium, or large consumption of alcoholic beverages is not recommended on the day of application. No more physical exertion for at least 2 consecutive days. The interval between the previous and next vaccination must be at least 2 weeks. You must not take antibiotics at the time of vaccination.

Most commonly reported side effects

Headache, nausea, rash, soreness, redness, itching and hardening at the injection site, feeling of restlessness, increased temperature, chills.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding

Pregnancy should not prevent vaccination if there is a clearly defined risk of infection. It is possible to vaccinate during breastfeeding.


All information given here is for information purposes only. The choice of vaccine or vaccination schedule is always up to the doctor after a personal consultation at the vaccination centre.

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