Current incidence of the disease at a glance, recommendations and mandatory vaccination by country August 15, 2024

21. 8. 2024

Yellow fever


Since the end of April this year, 3 people have died and another has fallen ill in the La Paz department. These are the first cases in the region in 3 years. Vaccination is recommended when traveling to the lowlands east of the Andes. Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory when entering from endemic areas.

Intestinal infections


Risk of diarrhea nationwide, local cholera outbreaks are still to be expected. Starting from a wedding celebration, around 12,500 people have fallen ill and 202 have died in 26 counties since October 2022. The capital Nairobi is also affected. Heavy rainfall in April this year led to flooding. In the affected areas on the Tana River (SE), around 260 cases of illness and 2 deaths have been reported since the beginning of May. Pay attention to hygiene, depending on your travel route, vaccination may also be useful.

Yellow fever


Since the beginning of this year, 8 infections have been confirmed in humans, 5 of whom have died. The departments affected were Caquetá (S), Huilia S(W), Narino (SW), Putumayo (SW) and Vaupés (SO). A yellow fever vaccination is recommended for all travelers aged 9 months and over. Vaccination is mandatory when entering from some endemic areas.

Yellow fever


This year, 16 infections have been confirmed by the beginning of July, and 7 people have died. A yellow fever vaccination is recommended when traveling to certain regions of Peru. When traveling to the Amazon region, travelers are required to be vaccinated and proof of vaccination is checked.

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever


This year, one infection was acquired in the province of Salamanca (Castile and León region) and one in the province of Toledo (Castile-La Mancha region). Between 2013 and 2022, a total of 12 infections were reported, 4 patients died. The regions of Castile and León and Extremadura in the northwest of the country are affected. The pathogen is usually transmitted by ticks, but occasionally also from person to person. Exposure prophylaxis (e.g. repellents, covering clothing) and early tick removal are recommended.



Since the beginning of this year, 56 deaths have been reported. Last year, a total of 82 people died of rabies infection. If there is suspicious contact with animals, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Preventive vaccination is strongly recommended, especially if there is a foreseeable risk and for longer stays. Advice from a doctor experienced in travel medicine should be obtained well in advance of the trip.

Intestinal infections


Risk of diarrhea nationwide. The Robert Koch Institute has reported an increase in infections with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) among travelers returning from trips, especially from Hurghada. Hepatitis A is also very common. Raw salads and insufficiently cooked food should be avoided. Tap water should not be drunk. Pay attention to food hygiene and vaccinations.

Safety note


Travel to the north of the Sinai Peninsula, the Egyptian-Israeli border area (with the exception of Taba) and remote areas of the Sahara is warned against. Unaccompanied, individual excursions and overland trips in the south of the Sinai Peninsula are not recommended (



By the end of July, around 16,270 cases had already been reported nationwide, most of them in the states of Queensland and New South Wales. These are the highest number of cases since 2016. Last year, a total of around 2,440 cases were recorded nationwide. Before staying abroad, standard vaccinations should always be checked and, if necessary, supplemented.

Ross River fever


Around 3,030 cases were reported nationwide this year. The state of Queensland is particularly affected. Take precautions against mosquitoes.



This year, around 350,260 suspected cases and 138 deaths were reported. In the state of Minas Gerais, the authorities declared a health emergency at the end of January this year due to the epidemiological situation. Last year, around 256,930 suspected cases were registered nationwide, and around 146,250 infections were confirmed. 106 people died. Compared to the same period last year, the number of cases has increased significantly. In 2022, a total of around 265,300 suspected cases were reported. 75 people died. In mid-2014, health authorities reported the first local infections. Since then, the infection has spread nationwide. Be careful of mosquito protection.



There is a high risk of dengue throughout the country. Since the beginning of this year, around 9,082,600 suspected cases and 4,744 confirmed deaths have been registered nationwide. Compared to the same period last year, the number of cases has more than tripled. The authorities in 7 of the 27 states (Acre, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and the Federal District) have declared a health emergency due to the epidemiological situation. Last year, around 3,028,600 suspected cases were registered nationwide and 1,094 people died. In 2022, around 2,363,500 cases of illness and around 930 deaths were recorded. Be careful of mosquito protection from predominantly diurnal mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.

Yellow fever


This year, 3 infections have been confirmed in humans. One case of illness and one death have been reported in the state of São Paulo and one person has died in the state of Amazonas. Vaccination is recommended for stays in Brazil.

Oropouche fever


Since the beginning of this year, around 3,290 infections have been confirmed in the state of Amazonas. At the end of February, one case of illness was reported in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Since the beginning of February, further cases have been reported in the states of Rondonia, Acre, Para, Roraima, Bahia, Espirito Santo and Piaui. Outside the Amazon region, the following states are affected: Bahia, Espírito Santo, Santa Catarina, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro, Piaui, Pernambuco and Maranhao. In March, a 24-year-old woman died in the state of Bahia. Nationwide, the number of cases has risen to around 7,235, and two people have died. The virus is transmitted by midges and mainly nocturnal mosquitoes. The disease leads to an acute febrile syndrome including joint and limb pain and vomiting. Take precautions against mosquitoes.

Safety notice


Exceptionally heavy rainfall in May/June 2024 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul led to severe flooding, landslides and bridge collapses, with over 150 deaths. The (traffic) infrastructure was partly severely damaged; some interurban roads are still interrupted or impassable. Porto Alegre airport, which was also severely affected, will remain closed indefinitely. Prohibitions, signs and warnings as well as the instructions of local authorities should be followed (

Intestinal infections

Dominican Republic

Risk of diarrhea nationwide. The Dominican Republic is one of the holiday destinations with the highest number of cases of traveler’s diarrhea. Since October 2022, around 110 cholera infections have been reported. One person has died. The majority were registered in the capital, Santo Domingo. Observe hygiene, possibly consider vaccination.


Dominican Republic

Since the beginning of this year, around 8,790 cases have been registered. Last year, around 25,470 suspected cases were registered. 23 people died. In 2022, around 10,440 suspected cases were reported. 42 people died. The number of cases in 2022 has roughly tripled compared to the previous year. The communities of Santiago, Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Santo Domingo Norte, Santo Domingo Este and San José de Ocoa were particularly affected. In 2021, around 3,750 infections and 26 deaths were registered. Be sure to use mosquito repellent. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican government has completely sealed off the border with Haiti since September 15, 2023 until further notice. Travel by land, air or sea between the two countries is currently not possible (

Intestinal infections


Risk of diarrheal diseases nationwide. Cholera is to be expected regionally. Typhoid, paratyphoid and the orally transmitted forms of hepatitis are endemic throughout India. Anthrax occurs repeatedly in both the cutaneous and intestinal form among locals. Pay attention to hygiene and vaccination protection.



Around 32,100 cases were registered nationwide by the end of June this year. 32 people have died. The states of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are particularly affected. Last year, around 234,430 cases and 91 deaths were reported. In 2022, around 233,250 infections and 303 deaths were recorded. Pay attention to protection against day-active vector mosquitoes (Aedes species). A vaccination has been available since February 2023.



According to press reports, 44 people have contracted Japanese encephalitis and 10 have died in the state of Assam (NO) since the beginning of April. In the first 6 months of this year, 163 cases of Japanese encephalitis were registered nationwide and 3 died. In the first 6 months of this year, 163 cases of Japanese encephalitis (JE) were registered nationwide. 5 people died. Most infections were again registered in the state of Assam (NO). In 2023, 1,097 cases and 56 deaths were officially reported nationwide. Carry out exposure prophylaxis and possibly vaccination!



Since January of this year, 53,500 cases have been reported nationwide. 7 people have died. Most infections come from the states of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. Last year, around 223,960 cases were registered and 72 people died. It is always important to take good mosquito protection, it is usually a good idea to take emergency medication with you and, depending on the outbreak, chemoprophylaxis should also be discussed.

Safety notice


Travel to Jammu and Kashmir and Manipur is currently strongly discouraged. Demonstrations and large gatherings of people should generally be avoided and the instructions of the security forces should be followed. In addition, current media reports should be followed during a stay (



In March of this year, one case of the disease and 3 deaths were reported in the state of Manipur (NE). Last year, deaths were reported in several states. In September 2023, the first death since 2017 was reported in the state of Goa. India is one of the countries with the highest number of cases in animals and humans in the world. A total of around 310 people died in 2022. The main carrier is the (stray) dog. The big cities are also affected. In the event of suspicious animal contact, seek medical attention immediately and make sure that modern tissue culture vaccines are used. A preventive vaccination is recommended for all travelers.

Intestinal infections


Risk of diarrhea nationwide. Cholera outbreaks are reported sporadically from West Papua, and typhoid is to be expected. Continue to observe hygiene and vaccination against typhoid.



Compared to the previous year, the number of cases has risen sharply. By the beginning of April, around 60,300 infections and 455 deaths had been reported nationwide. The health authorities in Bali province have warned tourists of an increase in the number of cases and, according to press reports, they and locals are recommended to get vaccinated. Be careful to protect yourself from the predominantly diurnal carrier mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.



At the end of June this year, 4 infections with vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) were reported. Last year, a total of 6 infections with infections were confirmed on the islands of Sumatra and Java. A child had already fallen ill on the island of Sumatra in November 2022. It is the first case of polio detected in the country since 2019. The emergence of VDPV makes the country a country with a potential risk of international spread of the pathogen. As a result, all people (locals and tourists) who have stayed in the country for more than 4 weeks should be able to show proof of polio vaccination upon departure. The vaccination must take place between 4 weeks and one year before departure and be documented in an internationally valid vaccination certificate.

Safety notice


In eastern Indonesia, the Ibu volcano on the island of Halmahera has erupted again. Residents and tourists are required to wear eye protection and breathing masks and not to stay in the four to seven kilometer exclusion zone around the volcano. Other volcanoes in various parts of Indonesia are showing increased activity. The Indonesian government provides information on the risk levels and current activities of the 127 volcanoes in total. It is generally recommended to avoid the respective danger zones as far as possible and to inquire about the current risk levels in advance. Increased volcanic activity can lead to disruptions in air traffic and even the closure of airports. Non-essential travel to the provinces of the Indonesian part of the island of New Guinea (Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Pegunungan, Papua Tengah and Papua Selatan) is currently not recommended. Large crowds should generally be avoided and the instructions of the security forces followed. In addition, current media reports should be followed during a stay (

Bird flu


Since November 2003, the highly pathogenic bird flu caused by influenza A(H5N1) has spread nationwide with local and regional outbreaks in poultry. More than 10 million animals have fallen victim to the animal disease so far. Since mid-2003, there have been 200 human cases of the disease in Indonesia, 168 of which were fatal. The last human infections were confirmed on the island of Bali in September 2017. Almost all of those affected had direct contact with sick or dead animals. Contact with live poultry or sick people should be avoided and hygiene should be observed.



Since the end of March this year, the number of new infections has risen sharply, and by the end of June around 1,945 people had fallen ill. The number of cases is now significantly higher than in the first 6 months of the last 2 years. A total of around 3,420 cases were reported in 2023. Take care to protect yourself from the mainly diurnal carrier mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.



During the warm season there is a risk of tick-borne diseases, in large parts of the country also of TBE, which can lead to encephalitis. Take precautions against tick bites. If you are staying in an infected area, vaccination may be recommended after an individual risk assessment.

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever


This year, one infection was acquired in the province of Salamanca (Castile and León region) and in the province of Toledo (Castile-La Mancha region). Between 2013 and 2022, a total of 12 infections were reported, and 4 patients died. The regions of Castile and León and Extremadura in the northwest of the country are affected. The pathogen is usually transmitted by ticks, but occasionally also from person to person. Exposure prophylaxis (e.g. repellents, covering clothing) and early tick removal are recommended.


South Africa

Since the beginning of December last year, 117 suspected cases have been reported, 6 infections have been confirmed. The province of Limpopo is affected. Last year, around 1,390 suspected cases were registered, 199 infections were confirmed, and 47 people died. In addition to the province of Gauteng, the provinces of Free State, Mpumalanga and Limpopo were affected. Pay attention to hygiene, and consider vaccination if necessary.

Safety note

South Africa

The electricity crisis with frequent and prolonged power outages continues. These lead to temporary power outages, including in private accommodation, shops, banks and ATMs, public lighting, traffic lights and security systems. The power outages can also affect the water supply and quality and continue to lead to restrictions in internet connections and mobile communications. Gas stations can also be temporarily affected. For safety reasons, the Western Cape government’s tourism security unit recommends that travellers do not hike alone and only in groups. There have recently been several robberies of tourists, particularly on the hiking trails around Table Mountain (Devil’s Peak, Lion’s Head and Signal Hill) in Cape Town. For safety reasons, the South African National Parks Authority recommends that travellers refrain from using the so-called Numbi Gate when entering the Kruger National Park and use alternative entrance gates. It is recommended that travellers avoid using the R335 via Motherwell to get to Addo Elephant Park from Port Elizabeth (Gqeberha) and instead use the N2 via Colchester. Demonstrations and large gatherings of people should generally be avoided and the instructions of the security forces should be followed. In addition, current media reports should be followed during a stay (


South Africa

Since the beginning of this year, 3 deaths have been registered. Last year, 11 cases were confirmed in humans, and in 2022 there were 13. The provinces of Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape were particularly affected. A sharp increase in rabid dogs has been observed nationwide since 2022. Rabies occurs in animals nationwide, affecting jackals, mongooses, cows, unvaccinated dogs and cats, among others. At the beginning of June, an infection in a South African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus) was confirmed for the first time in Cape Town. By mid-July, 10 more cases had been registered. According to the Cape Town City Council, 8 people have now been bitten and all have been asked to seek treatment. The population should keep themselves and their dogs away from the seals throughout the coastal region of the Cape Peninsula. The most common source of infection for humans is dog bites. If you have been in contact with someone, see a doctor immediately. If the risk is foreseeable and you are staying for a long time, preventive vaccination is recommended.

Intestinal infections


Risk of diarrheal diseases nationwide. Localized cholera outbreaks occur regularly. There have been outbreaks in 12 regions since September last year. Pay careful attention to hygiene, and vaccination should be considered if necessary.

Entry vaccination requirements


The risk of infection with yellow fever in Tanzania is classified by the WHO as low, and vaccination is not generally recommended. According to the official entry vaccination requirements (ITH 2020), a yellow fever vaccination is required for people over the age of 1 year when entering from endemic areas. Experience has shown that the regulations change frequently and the information provided by the various authorities differs from one another. The regulations are sometimes interpreted and handled differently at some airports (Kilimanjaro Airport in Arusha) or by individual border officials. Contrary to official information, a yellow fever vaccination is often required when entering Zanzibar. An official statement from the Zanzibar Ministry of Health is published on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.



After the disease was considered almost eliminated on the Zanzibar and Pemba islands for many years, the number of cases has been increasing again for several years. Since October last year, the number of cases on Zanzibar has risen sharply. Very good mosquito protection is always required, and chemoprophylaxis is also recommended.



In July last year, the first infection with vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) was reported. Another infection was reported at the beginning of September and at the end of December. Due to the emergence of cVDPV2, the country is formally one of the countries with a potential risk of the pathogen spreading internationally. As a result, all people (locals and tourists) who have stayed in the country for more than 4 weeks must show proof of polio vaccination upon departure. The vaccination must be carried out between 4 weeks and one year before departure and must be documented in an internationally valid vaccination certificate. Pay attention to vaccination protection.

Safety note


Due to heavy rainfall, flooding, raging rivers, landslides, mudslides, falling trees and broken power lines are currently occurring in large parts of Tanzania (particularly the coastal region and Dar es Salaam as well as the Tanzanian north in the Kilimanjaro region). The capital Dar es Salaam and the adjacent coastal region are also affected. Safe accommodation should not be left during heavy rainfall. Closed or flooded roads should be avoided and bans, signs and warnings as well as the instructions of local authorities should be followed ( (

Intestinal infections


Risk of diarrheal diseases nationwide, and small outbreaks of cholera are also to be expected locally. Pay attention to hygiene.



Since the beginning of this year, around 47,250 cases and 40 deaths have been registered. Last year, around 159,220 infections and 179 deaths were reported. The provinces of Trat, Nan, Chanthaburi, Rayong and Mae Hong Son, as well as the capital Bangkok, were particularly affected. Pay attention to protection against diurnal mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.

Hepatitis A


According to the CDC, there have been increasing numbers of nationwide outbreaks since 2016 in which the infections are transmitted from person to person. Those affected are mainly homeless and addicted people. Around 44,960 infections and 424 deaths have now been reported in 37 states. Most infections were recorded in the states of Kentucky, Florida, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Indiana. Carefully observe hygiene measures and consider vaccination if necessary.



This year, around 8,860 cases were reported by mid-July, which is about three times as many as in the same period last year. Before staying abroad, standard vaccinations should always be checked and supplemented if necessary.

Sun protection


Since the beginning of 2021, the sale of so-called reef-toxic sunscreens has been banned in the state of Hawaii, including products containing oxybenzone (BP3) and octinoxate. These substances are suspected of having a harmful effect on corals and other marine life.

Intestinal infections


Risk of diarrheal diseases nationwide, cholera is also endemic. Pay attention to food and drinking water hygiene.



Since the beginning of this year, around 39,940 cases of illness and 3 deaths have been registered nationwide. Last year, around 166,620 infections and 42 deaths were reported. In 2022, around 367,730 cases of illness and 140 deaths were registered. The number of cases was around 5 times higher than in 2021. Pay attention to protection against predominantly diurnal mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.



Since the beginning of this year, 141 infections have been registered, more than twice as many cases as in the corresponding period last year. Most cases were recorded in Khanh Hoa Province (SO). There is a low risk of infection in the regions all year round. Very good mosquito protection should always be observed, and it may also be useful to take medication with you for emergency self-treatment. People who develop symptoms during or after a stay in the affected areas should see a doctor immediately.



Since the beginning of this year, 56 deaths have been reported. Last year, a total of 82 people died of rabies infection. If you have suspected contact with animals, you should see a doctor immediately. Preventive vaccination is strongly recommended, especially if there is a foreseeable risk and for longer stays. Advice from a doctor experienced in travel medicine should be obtained well in advance of the trip.

Bird flu


In March of this year, an infection with influenza A(H9N2) was reported for the first time in Vietnam. In March of this year, a 21-year-old student fell ill with influenza A(H5N1) and subsequently died. He had previously caught wild birds. After a break of more than 8 years, a 5-year-old girl became ill with an influenza virus H5 in October 2022. She had eaten meat from sick chickens and ducks. Between 2003 and 2014, a total of 128 people nationwide fell ill with influenza A(H5N1), and there were 65 deaths. All of those affected had evidence of animal contact. Since 2014, numerous outbreaks have been registered in domestic poultry across the country, and more than 129,000 animals have been killed. At the end of May last year, there was an outbreak in Quang Ngai province with around 1,700 sick ducks. Vaccination of poultry is widespread in the country. Since 2014, outbreaks of influenza A(H5N6) have been reported repeatedly in poultry farms. Since the beginning of 2021, 3 outbreaks have already been reported in 2 provinces. There have been no human cases of illness to date.

Oropouche fever


Since the beginning of this year, around 3,290 infections have been confirmed in the state of Amazonas. At the end of February, an illness was reported in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Since the beginning of February, further illnesses have been reported in the states of Rondonia, Acre, Para, Roraima, Bahia, Espirito Santo and Piaui. Outside the Amazon region, the following states are affected: Bahia, Espírito Santo, Santa Catarina, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro, Piaui, Pernambuco and Maranhao. In March, a 24-year-old woman died in the state of Bahia. Nationwide, the number of cases has risen to around 6,975. The virus is transmitted by midges and predominantly nocturnal mosquitoes. The disease leads to an acute febrile syndrome including joint and limb pain and vomiting. Take precautions against mosquito bites.



Since the beginning of this year, around 10,610 cases of whooping cough have been reported. In the same period last year, there were around 1,925. Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are particularly affected. Make sure you have vaccinations.



 According to press reports, the fireworm (bearded fireworm, Hermodice carunculata) has been spreading for several years. The orange-red polychaetes, which are up to 30 cm long, are predominantly nocturnal and live on all hard surfaces such as rocky coasts and coral reefs as well as between seaweed; they also occur in shallow water. On contact, the fine bristles can penetrate the skin and break off. The poison they contain causes burning, itching and numbness, and the symptoms can last for several days.



At the beginning of July, the first infection this year was confirmed in the Occitanie region (S). The first local infections were reported in France in 2010. Make sure you are protected against the predominantly diurnal carrier mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.

West Nile fever


This year, 365 people have already fallen ill and 19 have died. The virus is transmitted from one host to the next by mosquitoes. It mainly infects birds, but can also spread to humans, horses and other mammals. The infection occurs sporadically in the country. Be careful to protect yourself from daytime mosquitoes.

Oropouche fever


 At the end of May this year, the Cuban Ministry of Health confirmed 74 cases in the provinces of Santiago de Cuba (O) and Cienfuegos (Z). Since the end of May, 3 infections imported from Cuba have been reported in Italy and Spain. The virus is transmitted by midges and mainly nocturnal mosquitoes. The disease leads to an acute febrile syndrome including joint and limb pain and vomiting. Meningitis can occur under certain circumstances. There is no vaccination. Be careful to protect yourself from mosquitoes.



 Since the beginning of this year, around 9,130 ​​cases of whooping cough have been reported. In the same period last year, there were around 1,845. Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are particularly affected. Make sure you have your vaccinations.

Intestinal infections


At the end of June this year, more than 200 residents in the village of Torri del Benàco on the eastern shore of Lake Garda fell ill with a norovirus infection. Contaminated tap water could be a cause. Carefully observe food and drinking water hygiene and local advice.


Cape Verde

 There has been an outbreak since November last year with around 1,420 suspected cases so far. The islands of Santiago and Fogo are particularly affected. Take precautions against the predominantly diurnal carrier mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.



 At the beginning of February, health authorities confirmed an outbreak. Since then, around 10,030 autochthonous infections and 146 deaths have been registered. A ship carrying 25 people from Tanzania had previously arrived in the capital Moroni. Several ship passengers had symptoms and there was also one death. The authorities have taken measures to prevent the spread. Pay careful attention to food and drinking water hygiene, and consider vaccination if necessary.


Great Britain

Since October last year, the number of cases in central England (West Midland) has risen sharply, with Birmingham being particularly affected. By the beginning of June 2024, around 635 infections had been registered in the region, and around 1,850 in the entire region of England. The number of cases has also increased in London, with around 640 cases reported so far. Before staying abroad, standard vaccinations should always be checked and supplemented if necessary.



According to press reports, the Ministry of Health reported 92 infections and 3 deaths in June this year. Numerous other cases are suspected. Take precautions against the predominantly diurnal carrier mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.


Dengue – Since the end of March this year, the number of new infections has risen sharply, with around 1,235 people falling ill by the end of May. The number of cases is now significantly higher than in the first 5 months of the last 2 years. A total of around 3,420 cases were reported in 2023. Pay attention to protection against the predominantly diurnal carrier mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.


Pertussis – Since the beginning of this year, around 6,745 cases of whooping cough have been reported. In the same period last year, there were around 1,705. Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are particularly affected. Pay attention to vaccination protection.


Dengue – Since the beginning of this year, around 35,190 suspected cases and 44 deaths have been registered. Last year, around 27,840 suspected cases were reported, 33 people died. In 2022, 16,020 cases were confirmed. 13 people died. In 2021, around 20,319 infections and 19 deaths were registered. Pay attention to protection against the predominantly diurnal carrier mosquitoes. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.

Puerto Rico

Dengue – Since the beginning of this year, around 1,270 suspected cases have been reported, most of them in the capital, San Juan. Last year, around 1,245 suspected cases were registered. Be sure to protect yourself from mosquitoes that are mainly active during the day. A vaccination has been available since February 2023.

4.2. and 5.2. CLOSED, orders on the website or by email.

Dear clients, there is still the possibility of vaccination against influenza, now at a discounted price of the vaccine including the application of 520 CZK incl. VAT. You can order via the online calendar in the header of the home page: Quick order

4.2. a 5.2. ZAVŘENO, objednávky na webu nebo mailem.

Vážení klienti stále je možnost očkování proti chřipce, nyní za zvýhodněnou cenu vakcíny včetně aplikace 520,- Kč vč. DPH. Objednat se lze přes on-line kalendář v záhlaví titulní strany: Rychlá objednávka